
What"s new (WALZ 官方信息)
日期:2005-01-20 00:00:00

   What's New




pam-news.com Internet Publishing on PAM Research and Development
Internet platform for communications on research and development dealing with   PAM fluorometry and related topics; download of PDF-files

PAM-2100 Portable   Chlorophyll Fluorometer
  » Stress physiology; plant   screening; field studies; basic research
  » Portable & battery   operated; built-in panel PC; LC-display & keypad; integrated data   analysis & storage; stand-alone or PC operation; quenching analysis;   kinetic recordings; light response curves; Windows software

IMAGING-PAM   Chlorophyll Fluorometer
  » Phytopathology, stress   physiology; plant screening; horticulture; plant physiology; for laboratory,   green house and field work
  » Images of fluorescence   parameters and photosynthetic activity; assessment of PAR absorptivity;   quenching analysis; kinetics and light response curves; great flexibility of   measuring geometries

IMAG-MIC Micro   Measuring Head
 » For chlorophyll fluorescence   imaging of small sample areas with the
 » Extremely compact design;   directly mounted on top of CCD Camera;
  3.5 x 4.5 mm imaged area; 40x magnification on PC screen

2060-B Arabidopsis Leaf Clip
 » For measurements in conjunction   with PAM-2100 or MINI-PAM and the Micro Quantum/Temp.- Sensor 2060-M
 » Suited for small leaves, like   Arabidopsis; standard 60° angle of fiberoptics attachment 

News for all PHYTO-PAM-users
 » New PhytoWin software version   1.45 and new user manual available
 » New Measuring LED-Array-Cone   PHYTO-ML available

PHYTO-ED Portable   Emitter Detector Unit
 » For field and on-deck work with   the PHYTO-PAM; with respect to laboratory version largely reduced weight and   increased sensitivity
 » Integrated 4-wavelength   LED-array and photomultiplier; accessory stirring device

PHYTO-EDF   Emitter-Detector-Fiberoptics Unit
  » For periphyton and microphytobenthos measurements with the PHYTO-PAM; suited for field work when samples shielded from ambient light
 » 4-wavelengths single-fiber  couplers; integrated photomultiplier; special mounting-stand

GFS-3000 Portable Gas   Exchange Fluorescence System
  » Field studies; plant screening;   ecophysiology
  » Parallel gas exchange and   fluorescence measurements; portable & battery operated; control of CO2,   H2O, temperature and light; highly accurate 4-channel CO2/H2O IRGA; cuvettes   for leafs, conifers, lichens and mosses; easy operation

New Product Catalog 2004 (840   kB)
 » Short description of our   various PAM-Chlorophyll-Fluorometers and
  Gas-Exchange Systems & Accessories, highlighting special features and   optional accessories


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